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Posted: Wed 05 Jun 2013 11:33 am
by Deniz1
I noticed today that the wine bar has gone in Catalkoy. Any one know if they have relocated?

Re: Bacchus

Posted: Wed 05 Jun 2013 4:49 pm
by Philoz
I noticed that too the other day-signs all gone and place looked deserted.
Shame-It always looked a nice place and I never got round to going in.
Website is still live-
Maybe if they had pushed it a bit more on the forums it might have stayed open.

Re: Bacchus

Posted: Wed 05 Jun 2013 6:17 pm
by silverfox1
Hi Philoz.

Not a very helpful reply to Deniz1's post.

I am afraid it is a case of 'use it or lose it' and despite it being open for nearly 2 years you never even crossed the threshold to try it out and so I guess if other people did the same the business was unsustainable.

Maybe that's a lesson for us all.

You mentioned that it looked nice but it had not been 'pushed on the forums yet you have the information from the website which was very comprehensive and still you never visited.

Despite not living here all the time we did use it and enjoyed it very much with friends so we will miss it and I hope its a case of Cem moving and not ceasing to trade.

I hope someone can shed light on what has actually happened.

Re: Bacchus

Posted: Wed 05 Jun 2013 7:01 pm
by Deniz1
I have been there and enjoyed it. Cem was very keen about his business and they seemed quite busy. If he has relocated I would have thought there would have been a notice on the door.

Re: Bacchus

Posted: Wed 05 Jun 2013 7:18 pm
by Philoz
Hey silverfox.
It isn't my personal fault that it closed, as you seem to be suggesting in a somewhat wacky way.
There are lots of places here that I have not got round to visiting-so if they happen to go broke in the interim,well sorry but it's not my fault.
I live here full time,and help keep a lot of struggling businesses going in the winter months so they can serve folk like you who visit when it suits.
Please don't have a go at me for being regretful that I didn't visit a place,and get your backside over here in the depths of winter when places are really struggling.
By the way,I only found the website(which is excellent)prior to my posting.

Re: Bacchus

Posted: Wed 05 Jun 2013 9:25 pm
by silverfox1
I did not suggest that it was your own personal fault in my post and I am glad that your are so charitable to so many 'struggling' businesses that YOU keep going in the winter.


Re: Bacchus

Posted: Wed 05 Jun 2013 9:48 pm
by Panchocat
Cem has gone into the wine business with his brother in law in the UK.

Re: Bacchus

Posted: Thu 06 Jun 2013 4:34 am
by Deniz1
Thank you

Re: Bacchus

Posted: Thu 06 Jun 2013 6:39 am
by carrierbag
I think Cem's passion was good wine so I wish him and his brother-in-law the best of luck.

Re: Bacchus

Posted: Thu 06 Jun 2013 7:17 am
by cjtill
We live very near to Bacchus and only visited a few times as the quality of food and selection of wine was pretty average. With so many places to eat out now available, the quality of food and service has to be pretty good to warrant more than one return visit.

Re: Bacchus

Posted: Fri 07 Jun 2013 7:37 am
by sophie
We live on "the other side" and passed Bacchus a couple of times, but I'm afraid it always looked a bit dull and drab from the outside. We went during the day after hearing how good it was, but were told they were closed and didn't open a lunchtimes and I have to say somewhere has to be pretty good to drag me out at night, particularly in the Winter. Like Philoz, we try to keep places going during the winter but there is a limit to our wallets and our inclinations.

Re: Bacchus

Posted: Fri 07 Jun 2013 4:43 pm
by bargainboozeandwines
Lot's of great wines of the world coming soon at crazy low prices,who said good wine need's to be expensive !