30.000.000 TL (thirty million) will be provided by saving from other budget appropriations in order to be used in the studies to combat the Covid-19 threat.
In all salary payments made by all Public, Institutions and Organizations, Social Insurance Office and all public funds for a period of three months:
• No deduction will be made to the salaries below 5 thousand TL.
• 25% deduction will be made from wages over 5 thousand TL net, however no salary will fall below 5 thousand TL net.
• The highest salary will be adjusted so that nobody will earn more than 8,500 TL.
• During this period, no wages will be deducted from the staff, who are considered active, permanent and essential in state institutions and organisations by the Council of Ministers.
• In the embassies and representations of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, a special arrangement will be made with salaries, according to the country they are in and the conditions they have in place.
• Within the scope of saving measures; Additional overtime expenses, additional allowances and contributions will be reorganized with a Legislative Decree that will come into force on 1 April 2020.
• A 25% cut will be made on the condition that the public institutions, municipalities and political parties receiving contributions from the budget will be paid from their contributions in the future.
• The amount of resources allocated to support businesses will be 750 million TL in total.
• In the lease agreements between public, private and legal persons belonging to the workplaces whose activities have been suspended with the decision of the Council of Ministers, if the tenants can not fulfill their lease obligations for April, May 2020, these rent prices, including housing rents, will start in June 2020 and be paid over a 6 month period in equal installments.
• A 10% discount will be applied to the amount paid on the condition that all taxes are paid on time between 31 March 2020 and 30 June 2020.
• The government will cover the cost of bank loan interests for businesses that were forced shut.
• Legal arrangements have been made to allow credit card limits to be increased by 25% without seeking income documents.
• Fuel, food and health expenditures made between March 26, 2020 and April 26, 2020 with a credit card will be postponed for a month without interest.
• The minimum payment amount for Credit Card will be applied as 1% instead of 20% for three months.
• The Turkish lira contractual interest rate to be applied to credit cards has been reduced from 2.35% monthly to 1% and it has been decided not to apply any delay interest for the 3-month period.
• If the electricity bills for March, April and May of 2020 are paid within the normal payment period, a 15% discount will be applied.
• With the decision of the Council of Ministers, 1,500 TL wage support will be provided to the employees of the enterprises whose activities have been suspended, from the Employment Support Fund for April and May 2020, on the condition of the continuity of the enterprises and the continuity of employment. Insured TRNC and TR Citizens will benefit from this practice (in accordance with the bilateral workforce and social security treaty signed between TC-TRNC).
• Social Insurance premiums for March, April and May 2020 of the employees of the enterprises whose activities have been suspended with the decision of the Council of Ministers, if they request; 2021 will be postponed without penalty and interest, and those who want to pay their premiums without delay will receive a 10% discount.
• With the decision of the Council of Ministers, the premiums and deposits of the employees of the enterprises whose activities have been suspended and the premiums and deposits for March, April and May of 2020 and the contribution to domestic employment can be deposited until 31 July 2020.
• Arrangements have been made so that the social insurance premium debts for the period of February 2020, which must be paid on March 20, 2020, to the workplaces registered in the Social Insurance Office, can be paid until 30 March 2020 without delay.
• Cost of cigarettes will be increased by 1 TL per pack.
• There will be an increase to the price of alcohol.