Golden Retriever

All you need to know about looking after your pets in North Cyprus. Find out about vet services, how and where to register your dog....and much more.

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Golden Retriever

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Post by katecornwell »

This morning me and a friend were walking near Sardunya bay and on our way back at the cross roads at the bottom of the Sardunya road, where you would go down the track to Sardunya bar, was a golden retriever. Happy chappie and wanted to walk with us and our dogs. Got back to our cars 1/2 hour later and he was still with us.

Has no collar - put him in the car with my others and drove back to the Sardunya road and asked as many house owners down that road, if they knew the dog, but to no avail. Took him to Garfield to see if he was chipped - NO!!

He is with me at home with my other 3 and has been fed bless him.

I live in Karsiyaka and can be contacted on 0533 843 2862. Obviously I will keep him until hopefully his owner comes forward to claim him.

Last bumped by katecornwell on Thu 30 Jan 2020 7:43 am.

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