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A new home for Saffy

Posted: Sun 06 Jun 2021 6:39 am
by howardjennings
For health reasons, my wife and I have to return permanently to the UK . Our ‘temporary residency’ runs out at the end of this month, June.

We have lived here for eleven years. In 2012 we found a kitten outside our front door. It was only a few weeks old, emaciated and covered with fleas which were draining her of blood. With the help of Firdez at Petcross, we nursed her back to health.

That was nine years ago. She is now a lean mean, vermin terminating machine, a formidable hunter that keeps our garden clear of mice, rats and snakes.

We are renting a house in a large town back in the UK. Sadly we believe that taking her with us would not be a good idea. She needs to stay in a Cyprus environment, preferably in a semi rural location with familiar surroundings. Saffy is very affectionate once you gain her trust, she is ‘clean’ and low maintenance. But she is territorial and doesn’t like other cats,

If you would like to give Saffy a home, or know someone who does, please PM me.

Re: A new home for Saffy

Posted: Sun 27 Jun 2021 8:38 am
by howardjennings
Underwhelmed by the response. But not to worry, the cat has
been adopted.