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The TRUTH is here!

Posted: Fri 31 Dec 2021 10:29 pm
by jofra
Once again, the reality is being manipulated and moulded in order that (hopefully) this mysterious, unexplained, uninvestigated "suicide" fades from the general awareness.
It is clear that the public is being fed misinformation - and that this is being done at a time of year when people are more concerned with festivities, and ALSO when there is so much reporting of the Covid pandemic....
"Jeffrey Epstein: Charges dropped against prison guards who falsified records"
"US prosecutors have dismissed charges against two prison guards who falsified records the night Jeffrey Epstein killed himself on their watch.
Prosecutors have asked a judge to dismiss their case, saying the pair have complied with a plea deal.
A convicted sex offender, Epstein was found dead in his jail cell on the morning of 10 August 2019....
....On the night Epstein took his life, he was alone in his cell, authorities say...
Surveillance footage showed that no other people had entered the area where Epstein was held that evening, officials said...
As part of a plea deal, the pair agreed to complete 100 hours of community service and co-operate with an investigation by the justice department's inspector general.
On 13 December, federal prosecutors filed a "nolle prosequi" - a legal document that declares they no longer wished to pursue the case - and said the prison guards had satisfactorily complied with the agreement.
Epstein's ex-girlfriend, British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell, has been found guilty of helping him abuse girls
But the request did not appear in public records until Thursday - a day after Ghislaine Maxwell was found guilty of recruiting and trafficking young girls to be sexually abused by Epstein...
It is unclear why the document was not filed until 30 December..."
Of course, this is irrefutable evidence that THE CABAL has moved again...
Do they think we will not notice????? S:)

(NOTE - Posted here because unfortunately there is not a "Fantasy & Conspiracy Theory" section.... :lol: