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multimax whats happened?????

Posted: Tue 06 Nov 2018 12:00 pm
by techstar
for the last month we have had nothing but issues with our internet system, non stop buffering and freezing. been checking our speeds and all over the place multimax denying any problems their end. the reason for this post i would like all people with multimax internet to comment on their speeds and also let others know if the problems are localized to an area or all over.

you cant get a answer out of multimax as the people in reception just read off their TV screen and do not know any other response other than "their is no problem our end you need a new router" but the problem only started when they updated their settings a month ago in which time you cant use a vpn on a multimax connection now.

Re: multimax whats happened?????

Posted: Tue 06 Nov 2018 4:18 pm
by Jonnie ... 8e38556f97 I have no problems as you can see but perhaps if you would like validated input from anyone on here you may give a few more details (area etc) as at the moment it looks as if you have joined Kibkom to complain about your internet. There are MM staff on here who I am sure you will find very helpful.

I have had service well above par for Northern Cyprus from MM ever since they started, I was one of their early customers and the first in my area. In the past when there has been a suspect router I have been invited to bring it in and have it checked at no charge, bearing in mind that is my equipment and not part of the MM system this is great service, a bit like Kibtec checking your TV or intergas servicing your boiler.

Another thing I find odd is that you were aware they updated their settings, this, if it has happened to me I have always been unaware of and it has never effected me.

Also I use streamvia without issue as a VPN but again this is not something to do with my ISP and is separate from MM altogether.

Re: multimax whats happened?????

Posted: Tue 06 Nov 2018 4:34 pm
by Keithcaley
No problem at all at my location - Alsancak - so it would appear that the problem that you are experiencing may be confined to your area / your premises / your own equipment - I don't really know, because I can not run any diagnostics on your installation!

Whenever I have had problems and Multimax have said that there was nothing wrong with the connection between them and my receiving dish (which is the limit of their responsibility), I have requested a Service visit by a Technician, and they have found either internal issues (dodgy plugs/leads etc) or a faulty downlead from the dish - my responsibility of course, for which I was charged, but at least they sorted out the problem.

Have you asked for a Technician to call - on the understanding that you will pay if it turns out that it is indeed your responsibility?

The fact that the start of your problems coincided with a change in Multimax configuration may well be just that - a coincidence - stuff develops faults every hour of the day, every day of the week!

Re: multimax whats happened?????

Posted: Tue 06 Nov 2018 4:59 pm
by gates
every night 5.30 6pm bad buffeting i have not called as it must be something they cant fix this goes on till sort of 8ish what can you do . This been going on for months pahaps it cross the board . i am on top one so dont know how the lower ones get on

Re: multimax whats happened?????

Posted: Tue 06 Nov 2018 7:08 pm
by Jonnie
gates wrote:every night 5.30 6pm bad buffeting i have not called as it must be something they cant fix this goes on till sort of 8ish what can you do . This been going on for months pahaps it cross the board . i am on top one so dont know how the lower ones get on
Have you done a speed test at that time Gates? I think you should report, if they don't know they can't fix!

Re: multimax whats happened?????

Posted: Wed 07 Nov 2018 6:05 am
by jimm
I have the same problem in Karsiyaka but MM are aware of the problem and are trying to sort it out, they are doing there best although I agree with the comment about the support staff sometimes they do not seem to know what is wrong just look at speed not the signal strength etc, just give them time to fix it and let them know when you have problems

Re: multimax whats happened?????

Posted: Wed 07 Nov 2018 9:30 am
by Navek
Esentepe, Speed Test
No MM Speed Test Option Available, ATM
No MM Speed Test Option Available, ATM

Re: multimax whats happened?????

Posted: Wed 07 Nov 2018 10:18 am
by Chriswright03
As the OP hasn't commented since he started the thread he maybe isn't interested at all and just wanted a rant or to gain evidence to tell Multimax how wrong they were and how right he was! Without doubt compared to the UK there are issues with the internet here but that isn't comparing apples with apples. I have just had to reboot my router because it was really slow. Lo and behold once it is back on it is far quicker.

I have had really good service from Multimax and the odd occasion I have had to ring up or email they have always been polite and helpful. It sometimes isn't anything to do with them and I am sure they get their fair share of Ex Pats ranting at them on the phone and in the office. I was unfortunate to witness a rant by one such person when I was in there a few weeks ago. That sort of attitude never gets anyone very far.

As Keith posted above sometimes it is a fault of the equipment in the property and nothing to do with Multimax at all. I agree it is frustrating at times but taking your frustration out on them that you want to help you will never work.

It matters not what speeds any of us are getting if we are in a completely different area to the OP and as he has not been back to discuss any of the advice offered by those who have tried to help in the thread I assume he has lost interest in the thread.

Re: multimax whats happened?????

Posted: Thu 08 Nov 2018 7:29 pm
by TheSaints
I m in Alsancak and this is the speeds right now;

"Your speed test has finished. Your ping result is 12. Your jitter result is 5. Your download result is 23.2 Mbps. Your upload result is 5.1 Mbps."

Re: multimax whats happened?????

Posted: Thu 08 Nov 2018 9:45 pm
by TheSaints
Just done another speed test and the speeds are appalling at the moment.

Test results
Nethouse Networks

Re: multimax whats happened?????

Posted: Fri 09 Nov 2018 7:02 am
by Art
Have used MM for a number of years now and yes on rare occasions they have issues but they respond quickly and generally efficiently.

Where else would you get a call out service within 24 hours.?....certainly not in the UK.

Great company who do their best to offer a good service.

Just my view of course.

Re: multimax whats happened?????

Posted: Fri 09 Nov 2018 7:53 am
by kerry 6138
TheSaints wrote:Just done another speed test and the speeds are appalling at the moment.

Test results
Nethouse Networks
why does it sat Nethouse Networks?

Re: multimax whats happened?????

Posted: Fri 09 Nov 2018 8:36 am
by Keithcaley
kerry 6138 wrote:...why does it say Nethouse Networks?
Because it shows the server which is 'hosting' the speedtest - by clicking on the arrowhead to the right of the server name, you should have the option to select another server.

At the moment the Multimax server is not available to host a speedtest (- well, not from my location, anyway) but I understand that they are sorting that out. Erol did explain what the issue was, but I've forgotten

If you don't use the option to select a server, it will automatically select one.

If you turn on a VPN, it will use a server in the vicinity of your 'new' location - and give you the opportunity to select various servers in that area on which you can run the speed test.

Re: multimax whats happened?????

Posted: Tue 20 Nov 2018 5:32 pm
by mrsgee
I have always been an advocate of Multimax.... but, honestly, the past couple of weeks have been a nightmare. Just checked my download speed, a ridiculous 3.1!!! downloading programmes from I player is a nightmare...taking forever, plus, I manage to get one programme with subtitles, which I have to have, and then the next programme won't download them....... swiftly losing faith in Multimax, have been a customer for many years now, always been great, at this point in time rubbish. Have tried to contact them through live chat...... I think someone has died...... and sent an email..... please don't tell me to phone..... i am deaf. In Ozankoy/Bellapais.

Re: multimax whats happened?????

Posted: Tue 20 Nov 2018 5:55 pm
by erol
mrsgee wrote: Just checked my download speed, a ridiculous 3.1!!! downloading programmes from I player is a nightmare...taking forever, plus, I manage to get one programme with subtitles, which I have to have, and then the next programme won't download them.......
If you are the customer I think you are then the reason why your speed is only 3.1 Mbs is because you have already downloaded more than 3GB of data since 4PM which means on the package you are on you speed is being restricted (until 2 am) to a maximum of 3Mbs. If you were on the platinum package you would not get slowed down until you had exceeded 6GB of data and then your speed would have been restricted to 6Mbs rather than 3Mbs. If you could keep your downloading to outside of peak hours, then this temporary limiting of speed would not happen at all on any package. Please do pm me if there is any of this stuff you do not understand and I will do my best to explain and advise as best I can.

As far as the subtitles issues, that is I am afraid entirely down to the BBC and not MM.

Re: multimax whats happened?????

Posted: Tue 20 Nov 2018 6:22 pm
by mrsgee
Thank you Erol, but I can assure you I have not managed to download anything at all today, not from 4.00 or any other time during the day. I only download short BBC programmes, not films, so I really do not understand what the problem is. But thank you for your response anyway.

Re: multimax whats happened?????

Posted: Tue 20 Nov 2018 6:35 pm
by erol
mrsgee wrote:Thank you Erol, but I can assure you I have not managed to download anything at all today, not from 4.00 or any other time during the day. I only download short BBC programmes, not films, so I really do not understand what the problem is. But thank you for your response anyway.
Please do contact me via PM so I can help get to the bottom of what has caused this peak time usage.

Re: multimax whats happened?????

Posted: Wed 21 Nov 2018 9:15 am
by mrsgee
Thank you Erol for your offer of assistance, I have PM'd you. Regards