The Malpas, Catalkoy -September Coffee Morning

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The Malpas, Catalkoy -September Coffee Morning

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Post by NCCCT »

On Tuesday the 10th September 2019 The Malpas Hotel in Catalkoy are very kindly hosting out first Coffee Morning after our short summer break.
This will start at 11.00 am and an entrance donation of just 15 TL per person will be payable which will all go towards helping us to help the local State hospitals help us all.
The Malpas Hotel are graciously gifting the refreshments to us and we will be inviting you to enjoy a cuppa and cake on us.
There will be stalls galore for you to browse and treat yourselves from, our Island famous raffle and our 50/50 to have a flutter on!
All we need is YOU! Please make a note of the day and date and we hope to see you there.
This is ''Not Just A Coffee Morning - This is a NorthCyprusCancerCharityTrust one
Any queries please ring Wendy on 0533 8686078 or to book a table to sell your own wares please ring Lynda on 05338866261 as soon as possible.

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