Lots of people on both sides didn’t understand a lot of the issues. Lots of propaganda was used by both sides and some was believed and some wasn’t. Some is still being believed.waz-24-7 wrote:Hmmm
Did you know that many people don't understand that Ireland is in part a member of the UK.
Even more have no understanding of the good Friday agreement and how the people of Ireland are thrust into a state of real uncertainly and insecurity if a deal is not forthcoming.
It is abundantly clear that the BREXIT leaders in particular Mr Farage capitalized on "ignorance" by openly and visually (the big red bus) proclaiming the NHS cash injection scam and an imaginary queue of Turks at Dover Port.
It saddened me that this type of propaganda was lapped up by some and clearly influenced many.
I think this feeling that stupid people voted leave despite the ‘facts’ is the elitist behaviour that ultimately cost you. Sorry the people didn’t do what they were there told.
I have highly enjoyed the reactions by some to Brexit and Trump. Though I loath him Trump is in some sort ways the best thing to happen in politics for years.
A mori poll taken the day after we joined the EEC showed 38% in favour 39% against and 23% undecided.
Not much changed