Climate Change march in London

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Climate Change march in London

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Post by EnjoyingTheSun »

It's Saturday what's this week's march about? ... s-8150494/

Don't know what Dr Gail is a Doctor in, I'm guessing not medicine it would be too useful.
Personally I am always highly suspicious of people who insist on being called Doctor who aren't medical doctors but that's another peeve.

I'm hoping it isn't economics either as she says ‘We could easily be facing starvation in the UK if the weather effect continues as it is.’ ‘We need to be building resilience in our communities,’ she added.

She obviously hasn't noticed the bumper crops everyone is getting as a useful but often unmentioned benefit of the climate surprisingly changing every so often.

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Re: Climate Change march in London

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Post by TAC »

We wont starve now

Sainsbury’s will be the first UK supermarket to sell insects for people to eat from Monday. If you’re keen on some protein, you can grab a bag of ‘smoky BBQ’ crunchy crickets from 250 stores across the country next week. The packets of Eat Grub’s barbecue flavoured bugs is described as ‘crunchy in texture with a rich smoky flavour’, and will cost £1.50.

I'm leaving now to go find myself....if I arrive before I get back, please ask me to wait!

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