Poor old Trump

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Poor old Trump

Post by dwr »

Coronavirus: Donald Trump and Melania test positive https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-54381848

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Re: Poor old Trump

Post by frontalman »

What comes around goes around. A lot to be said for karma.

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Re: Poor old Trump

Post by Keithcaley »

Apropos of nothing much...

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Re: Poor old Trump

Post by Trigger »

Hmmm.... does he really?

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Re: Poor old Trump

Post by Soner »

Fake news!!!!

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Re: Poor old Trump

Post by waddo »

Saves him going to anymore debates, cruising around shaking hands and kissing baby's AND he gains the "Sympathy" vote as well - shrewd move but didn't work for Boris - lol.
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Re: Poor old Trump

Post by PoshinDevon »

Hmmmm.... I have no time or great respect at all for President Trump. However; he is classed as vulnerable and purely on a human level as he has tested positive for Covid 19 I wish him and his wife all the best for a speedy recovery whilst in isolation.

As for Boris.... he contracted the virus, he was ill, he was admitted to hospital and then into intensive care. He was attended to by doctors and nurses and when released from hospital took time out to recover. Those who think it never happened or only happened to gain the sympathy vote are bordering on being conspiracy theorists.
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Re: Poor old Trump

Post by Deniz1 »


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Re: Poor old Trump

Post by Kanonier »

waddo wrote:
Fri 02 Oct 2020 11:57 am
Saves him going to anymore debates, cruising around shaking hands and kissing baby's AND he gains the "Sympathy" vote as well - shrewd move but didn't work for Boris - lol.

Not sure that I understand your logic, do you mean they both pretended to be infected with Coronavirus to get a "Sympathy" vote?

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Re: Poor old Trump

Post by EnjoyingTheSun »

PoshinDevon wrote:
Fri 02 Oct 2020 1:35 pm
Hmmmm.... I have no time or great respect at all for President Trump. However; he is classed as vulnerable and purely on a human level as he has tested positive for Covid 19 I wish him and his wife all the best for a speedy recovery whilst in isolation.

As for Boris.... he contracted the virus, he was ill, he was admitted to hospital and then into intensive care. He was attended to by doctors and nurses and when released from hospital took time out to recover. Those who think it never happened or only happened to gain the sympathy vote are bordering on being conspiracy theorists.
There does seem to be an element of we are compassionate people so hopefully Trump and Johnson die.
Bit like I care about Britain and so want to remain in the EU but now they have voted to leave I hope the country crashes into an enormous depression.

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Re: Poor old Trump

Post by Keithcaley »

If I can't have him, neither can you! :) :) :)

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Re: Poor old Trump

Post by waddo »

PoshinDevon wrote:
Fri 02 Oct 2020 1:35 pm
Hmmmm.... I have no time or great respect at all for President Trump. However; he is classed as vulnerable and purely on a human level as he has tested positive for Covid 19 I wish him and his wife all the best for a speedy recovery whilst in isolation.

As for Boris.... he contracted the virus, he was ill, he was admitted to hospital and then into intensive care. He was attended to by doctors and nurses and when released from hospital took time out to recover. Those who think it never happened or only happened to gain the sympathy vote are bordering on being conspiracy theorists.
I have no time for Trump at all, I believe the American people made a huge mistake in voting him in. I wish him no harm but I can not wish him well either. As for Boris, I have little time for any leader who is scruffy in public, repeats a mantra until somebody gives him a new one and has successfully managed to confuse the UK over both Brexit and Covid. Anyone who watch’s Parliament live and can hear him actually answer any question without deviating into how good his government is and how wonderfully they have dealt with everything, please let me know! Conspiracy theorists? Sorry, don’t understand that comment, it is no conspiracy theory that he caught and suffered Covid 19, that was plain to see.

However, both Trump and Boris have and will make the most out of this terrible virus and that is not a conspiracy theory at all. I would never wish anyone dead it is pointless to even consider it. Instead let them both suffer the same fate as they have brought upon the people they are supposed to have led!
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Re: Poor old Trump

Post by sophie »

Well now he's in hospital so maybe he'll be treated with bleach that he recommended others to try a few months back.

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Re: Poor old Trump

Post by dwr »

Fake news!

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Re: Poor old Trump

Post by Hedge-fund »

He's divisive and something of a loon but he's the leader of our greatest ally and is half British so I wish him and his wife a full and speedy recovery.

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Re: Poor old Trump

Post by 13roman58 »

Hedge-fund wrote:
Sat 03 Oct 2020 7:41 am
He's divisive and something of a loon but he's the leader of our greatest ally and is half British so I wish him and his wife a full and speedy recovery.
Why do you think he's half British?
I thought he is from German heritage from the 1st world war .

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Re: Poor old Trump

Post by Hedge-fund »

13roman58 wrote:
Sat 03 Oct 2020 8:55 am
Hedge-fund wrote:
Sat 03 Oct 2020 7:41 am
He's divisive and something of a loon but he's the leader of our greatest ally and is half British so I wish him and his wife a full and speedy recovery.
Why do you think he's half British?
I thought he is from German heritage from the 1st world war .

His mum was Scottish.

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Re: Poor old Trump

Post by EnjoyingTheSun »

waddo wrote:
Fri 02 Oct 2020 5:20 pm

I have no time for Trump at all, I believe the American people made a huge mistake in voting him in.
I don't think the American people had a great choice tbh.
I also don't think their choice is too great this time round.
I think people were/are getting a little sick of professional politicians talking down to them and telling them what is good for them so Trump as an anti politician maybe rang a bell.
This time round they have a choice of Trump or Biden. Biden has been in the senate for nearly 50 years and hasn't pulled any trees up. He isn't a young man, his health is not great, he isn't a great orator or has any great vision. He seems as creepy around women as Trump and his son's business connections with China don't bear up to any great scrutiny. So its not a choice between Nixon or JFK,
waddo wrote:
Fri 02 Oct 2020 5:20 pm

However, both Trump and Boris have and will make the most out of this terrible virus and that is not a conspiracy theory at all. I would never wish anyone dead it is pointless to even consider it. Instead let them both suffer the same fate as they have brought upon the people they are supposed to have led!
Trump or Johnson are not scientists and are led by their scientific advisors to a great deal.

Were Biden to get power it isn't a huge leap to think the likes of Ron Klain would be a chief advisor to him on covid and Ron has got more wrong on this than right
Here he is on Feb 13th praising the New York Mayor

https://twitter.com/RonaldKlain/status/ ... 49600?s=20

Dr Anthony Fauci has been a big critic of Trump's but he has made some interesting statements.

www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2020 ... 787209002/

For those Bernie Sanders fans;

https://www.foxnews.com/media/bernie-sa ... oronavirus

It's very easy to Monday morning quarterback stand on the sidelines always be anti.

EG Corbyn voted against any military action. On some such as Iraq he was right, on others such as Kosovo he was wrong. But you can guarantee if there was a military action against Hitler Corbyn would vote against it.

So Trump isn't that great but nor are the alternatives. Trump can't see into the future and nor can the alternatives. Sometimes things are out of man's control even Democrats. Just because you want to micromanage and control everything it doesn't mean you can.

It's like climate change. What has the most effect on our climate? The sun? The oceans? Our cars?
Personally I'm voting for the first 2 but the disappointing thing is we can do zero about them.
But we can ban petrol cars even if it has zero effect. We can be seen to be doing something. We aren't impotent.

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Re: Poor old Trump

Post by EnjoyingTheSun »

Last edited by EnjoyingTheSun on Sat 03 Oct 2020 9:53 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Poor old Trump

Post by EnjoyingTheSun »

Hedge-fund wrote:
Sat 03 Oct 2020 7:41 am
He's divisive and something of a loon but he's the leader of our greatest ally
This is what gets overlooked by many although obviously not by the Britain/America bad mob.

When he came to the UK for the D-Day celebrations he was representing his country as head of state. America don't have an apolitical Head of State they can wheel out for special occasions, they have a President.

So Trump was representing all the Americans who had fought in the Second World War. All those who had died or had family that died or maimed or just bravely fought.
But the rent a mob, "what one is is today, BLM, Extinction Rebellion or anti Trump?" couldn't take a day off and allow our nations to pay tribute to those who sacrificed so much so they could be free to have their little marches and show Mummy and Daddy what rebels they are.

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Re: Poor old Trump

Post by EnjoyingTheSun »

EnjoyingTheSun wrote:
Sat 03 Oct 2020 9:37 am
sophie wrote:
Sat 03 Oct 2020 7:09 am
Well now he's in hospital so maybe he'll be treated with bleach that he recommended others to try a few months back.
Please post a link to where he recommended everyone drink bleach.
Is it in the same speech where he banned all Muslims from flying into the USA?

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Re: Poor old Trump

Post by Up the Reds. »

Not going to get into deplorable 'wish him dead' remarks BUT as someone who has family in the USA, not in the big media dominated cities, there is one hell of a following for this admittedly 'arrogant, rude and in your face President who has provided jobs and a future for millions of working class americans. Faced off China, sorting the border problem with Mexico and fought for the USA. Too many people read the false news provided by the Leftist Marxist media and sadly believe it !! The current alternative is a Corbyn like Biden backed by Antifa, BLM and the marxist left!! Me, not going to be effected, so am happy to leave it to those have a vote in November in the USA !!

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Re: Poor old Trump

Post by gates »

Its Trump for me not that other idiot who backs anything to get him votes Trump did good work before this virus created jobs and lots more . Because he says what he see,s instead of running with the niceties like Bidan . If he gets in we will all suffer

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Re: Poor old Trump

Post by Johnny Lee »

I agree with you Gates. First rate guy who tells it like it is, But unfortunately the world is full of softies who cant deal with it. I am surprised at the toxic remarks that have been allowed to remain on this forum.. ( Wishing people dead) If i had said that I would have been banned.

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Re: Poor old Trump

Post by kerry 6138 »

EnjoyingTheSun wrote:
Sat 03 Oct 2020 9:53 am
EnjoyingTheSun wrote:
Sat 03 Oct 2020 9:37 am
sophie wrote:
Sat 03 Oct 2020 7:09 am
Well now he's in hospital so maybe he'll be treated with bleach that he recommended others to try a few months back.
Please post a link to where he recommended everyone drink bleach.
Is it in the same speech where he banned all Muslims from flying into the USA?
I think they are referring to this press briefing

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Re: Poor old Trump

Post by Soner »

Johnny Lee wrote:
Sat 03 Oct 2020 11:10 am
I agree with you Gates. First rate guy who tells it like it is, But unfortunately the world is full of softies who cant deal with it. I am surprised at the toxic remarks that have been allowed to remain on this forum.. ( Wishing people dead) If i had said that I would have been banned.
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Re: Poor old Trump

Post by Hedge-fund »

Soner wrote:
Sat 03 Oct 2020 11:38 am
Johnny Lee wrote:
Sat 03 Oct 2020 11:10 am
I agree with you Gates. First rate guy who tells it like it is, But unfortunately the world is full of softies who cant deal with it. I am surprised at the toxic remarks that have been allowed to remain on this forum.. ( Wishing people dead) If i had said that I would have been banned.
When you see something wrong on the forum, then please report it. That is what the "Report" link is for and available to all members.
It had been seen by admin because the thread was closed - leaving the comments up.

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Re: Poor old Trump

Post by Soner »

00:47am locked by mod and I picked up on it and removed at 4:32am

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Re: Poor old Trump

Post by Hedge-fund »

Soner wrote:
Sat 03 Oct 2020 11:48 am
00:47am locked by mod and I picked up on it and removed at 4:32am

Thank you for removing it.

My point last night was that the comments were left within the locked thread.

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Re: Poor old Trump

Post by Soner »

Error on our part, entire thread should have been removed temporarily. If reported I would have got an email notification on my phone. Can't stipulate enough how important the reporting link is, the forum can go down if members do not help report unwanted comments.
Member concerned has been placed on moderation queue.

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Re: Poor old Trump

Post by EnjoyingTheSun »

kerry 6138 wrote:
Sat 03 Oct 2020 11:25 am

I think they are referring to this press briefing
I'm 100% sure they are.

Few points here.
1. Bleach is a big leap from disinfectant.
2. At no point does he tell people or even suggest people blindly inject themselves with disinfectant. He rather inarticulately was groping around and asking his expert for possibilities.
3. Should someone watch the briefing and think my president has told me to drink bleach to stave off coronavirus then tbh they aren't long for this world anyhow and will shortly be leaping off a high rise in their Superman cape.

Its a bit like how Trump banned Muslims from entering the country.
There are 45-50 Muslim countries in the world and Trump banned the nationals of 7 that he believed were most involved in terrorist activity from entering the USA for 90 days.
Now you could argue that the ban would be a waste of time and would effect the innocent but what it wasn't is a Muslim ban.

I think Trump is a buffoon but am praying he get's re-elected as he goes out of his way to boil the p!ss of the woke blokes and it will be hilarious.

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Re: Poor old Trump

Post by Brinsley »

I'm banned to comment on this particular topic as one post went to Uranus never to be retrieved and on this one, all my comments obliterated.
Goes to show were the political bias of the moderators lay on this Forum!

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Re: Poor old Trump

Post by PoshinDevon »

Soner wrote:
Sat 03 Oct 2020 12:29 pm
Error on our part, entire thread should have been removed temporarily. If reported I would have got an email notification on my phone. Can't stipulate enough how important the reporting link is, the forum can go down if members do not help report unwanted comments.
Member concerned has been placed on moderation queue.
To make things clear, I was quickly checking thro topics on the forum and locked this topic as I thought it was going downhill. However in retrospect the topic should have been taken down to be moderated further and if necessary offending posts removed. My error.

Soner then removed offending post and put the topic back up.
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Re: Poor old Trump

Post by PoshinDevon »

Brinsley wrote:
Sat 03 Oct 2020 3:39 pm
I'm banned to comment on this particular topic as one post went to Uranus never to be retrieved and on this one, all my comments obliterated.
Goes to show were the political bias of the moderators lay on this Forum!
Your comments were removed by a moderator as they were found to be offensive and deemed to be against the forum rules.
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Re: Poor old Trump

Post by Hedge-fund »

PoshinDevon wrote:
Sat 03 Oct 2020 3:54 pm
Soner wrote:
Sat 03 Oct 2020 12:29 pm
Error on our part, entire thread should have been removed temporarily. If reported I would have got an email notification on my phone. Can't stipulate enough how important the reporting link is, the forum can go down if members do not help report unwanted comments.
Member concerned has been placed on moderation queue.
To make things clear, I was quickly checking thro topics on the forum and locked this topic as I thought it was going downhill. However in retrospect the topic should have been taken down to be moderated further and if necessary offending posts removed. My error.

Soner then removed offending post and put the topic back up.

Nice to have honest and transparent admin on here.

Lessons learned ( mine is I didn't appreciate that reporting a post actually protects the site )

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Re: Poor old Trump

Post by Hedge-fund »

Brinsley wrote:
Sat 03 Oct 2020 3:39 pm
I'm banned to comment on this particular topic as one post went to Uranus never to be retrieved and on this one, all my comments obliterated.
Goes to show were the political bias of the moderators lay on this Forum!
You're a bit of a troll and what appears to you as a jolly wind up can come across as aggressive.

I think admin on a forum like this are more interested in the law as it applies to the web rather than politics.

There are a few posters that are left and a few that are right and a lot somewhere in between. There's room for everyone if we are polite to each other.

Just winding people up for the sake of it is boring.

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Re: Poor old Trump

Post by dwr »

Well, that’s one way of avoiding another disastrous presidential debate

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Re: Poor old Trump

Post by Brinsley »

Untrue, I'm not a troll just my personal views on a disintegrating World by inept rulers!
Last edited by Brinsley on Sat 03 Oct 2020 5:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Poor old Trump

Post by EnjoyingTheSun »

Brinsley wrote:
Sat 03 Oct 2020 3:39 pm
I'm banned to comment on this particular topic as one post went to Uranus never to be retrieved and on this one, all my comments obliterated.
Goes to show were the political bias of the moderators lay on this Forum!
You’re commenting on the topic here. One of my comments was removed too but I’ll live.

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Re: Poor old Trump

Post by Brazen »

Up the Reds. wrote:
Sat 03 Oct 2020 10:42 am
Not going to get into deplorable 'wish him dead' remarks BUT as someone who has family in the USA, not in the big media dominated cities, there is one hell of a following for this admittedly 'arrogant, rude and in your face President who has provided jobs and a future for millions of working class americans. Faced off China, sorting the border problem with Mexico and fought for the USA. Too many people read the false news provided by the Leftist Marxist media and sadly believe it !! The current alternative is a Corbyn like Biden backed by Antifa, BLM and the marxist left!! Me, not going to be effected, so am happy to leave it to those have a vote in November in the USA !!
He is also the first president for 30 years not to go to war.

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Re: Poor old Trump

Post by EnjoyingTheSun »

Up the Reds. wrote:
Sat 03 Oct 2020 10:42 am
Not going to get into deplorable 'wish him dead' remarks BUT as someone who has family in the USA, not in the big media dominated cities, there is one hell of a following for this admittedly 'arrogant, rude and in your face President who has provided jobs and a future for millions of working class americans. Faced off China, sorting the border problem with Mexico and fought for the USA. Too many people read the false news provided by the Leftist Marxist media and sadly believe it !! The current alternative is a Corbyn like Biden backed by Antifa, BLM and the marxist left!! Me, not going to be effected, so am happy to leave it to those have a vote in November in the USA !!
I don't think Trump has ever been a particularly good businessman but I would say he is a great salesman.

The mistake of Labour politicians in 2019 was to ignore the red wall and take their vote as a given and to believe that 100,000 committed activists who will go on any march, applaud Corbyn at any rally will translate into millions of votes. I think Hillary Clinton made the same mistakes.

You need millions of votes to win an election in the UK or US and they need to be spread over the country and not just in New York and London.
You need to try and get the person who isn't that interested in politics and couldn't give a toss about Palestine to vote for you to win.
Clinton like Corbyn made the mistake of appearing at mass rallies where they had the vote in the bag rather than campaign heavily in the swing states and constituencies.

The other thing the left need to realise is when they are counting up their potential voters is that it isn't;
500,000 voters care about save the whale and
500,000 voters care about asylum seekers and
500,000 voters care about trans right etc etc

The above isn't 1,500,000 votes it is 500,000 voters who care about all 3 things. And the other thing to realise is they may care about them but may care about you putting up their taxes more.

I remember in 1983 and 1987 that very few admitted voting for Thatcher but a lot did.

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Re: Poor old Trump

Post by rocking »

Not poor old Trump, he will get over this and go on to win the election. He was voted in by a democratic country and I THINK HE IS OK.

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Re: Poor old Trump

Post by Brinsley »

Unbelievable, after 3 days of supposedly been infected is now out of hospital and is now "good as gold and nothing to worry about"?!!!!!!!!!

I feel an AK47 coming on (rhetorical) before yet another ban on/about this tyrant idiot of my views to be yet deleted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Watch/listen to international news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Poor old Trump

Post by Brinsley »

CNN News, 00:35am 06/10/20 live tv

I am now crying!

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Re: Poor old Trump

Post by EnjoyingTheSun »

Brinsley wrote:
Mon 05 Oct 2020 10:21 pm
Unbelievable, after 3 days of supposedly been infected is now out of hospital and is now "good as gold and nothing to worry about"?!!!!!!!!!

I feel an AK47 coming on (rhetorical) before yet another ban on/about this tyrant idiot of my views to be yet deleted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Watch/listen to international news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He had a positive test. Positive tests do not necessarily mean you have just caught coronavirus and are going to become seriously ill or die no matter how disappointing that may be to you.
Tyrants as a rule can't be voted out of office, Trump is facing an election where he can be voted out of office if the people so wish.

I'm not a big fan of censorship but can respect the hate speech isn't free speech view. My worry is who chooses what is and isn't hate speech?
Most would hopefully agree that Fascists give up their right to free speech but the problem is for example we have seen some label pretty much anyone who voted for Brexit as a Fascist.
So it's a dangerous road to go down. Personally I'm all for handing a microphone to someone who says stupid things as airing their views generally puts people off rather than encourages them.
Personally I would say wishing someone dead qualifies as hate speech and is generally something I would expect a Fascist to say.

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Re: Poor old Trump

Post by Brazen »

EnjoyingTheSun wrote:
Tue 06 Oct 2020 7:08 am
Brinsley wrote:
Mon 05 Oct 2020 10:21 pm
Unbelievable, after 3 days of supposedly been infected is now out of hospital and is now "good as gold and nothing to worry about"?!!!!!!!!!

I feel an AK47 coming on (rhetorical) before yet another ban on/about this tyrant idiot of my views to be yet deleted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Watch/listen to international news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He had a positive test. Positive tests do not necessarily mean you have just caught coronavirus and are going to become seriously ill or die no matter how disappointing that may be to you.
Tyrants as a rule can't be voted out of office, Trump is facing an election where he can be voted out of office if the people so wish.

I'm not a big fan of censorship but can respect the hate speech isn't free speech view. My worry is who chooses what is and isn't hate speech?
Most would hopefully agree that Fascists give up their right to free speech but the problem is for example we have seen some label pretty much anyone who voted for Brexit as a Fascist.
So it's a dangaerous road to go down. Personally I'm all for handing a microphone to someone who says stupid things as airing their views generally puts people off rather than encourages them.
Personally I would say wishing someone dead qualifies as hate speech and is generally something I would expect a Fascist to say.

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Re: Poor old Trump

Post by waddo »

Soner, Interesting videos, I did not know that he was so popular - lol.
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Re: Poor old Trump

Post by Brinsley »

Trump doing a 'fantastic' job, another 3,000 dead because of the virus in the last 3 days (USA) and Florida opening up everything as if normal?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CNN source

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Re: Poor old Trump

Post by Brinsley »

215,476 USA death toll today
Trump doing an even better than 'fantastic' job, he made sure they were all Democratic voters so will staying put in the W.H. Everything contrary is 'fake' news. Went out to kiss his devoted rally supporters!
A pillar of 'Statesmanship'!!!!!!!


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