Our dogs & cats need water - please help.

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Verified Charity
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Our dogs & cats need water - please help.

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Post by KAR »

There is no mains water supply available to the Rescue Centre and therefore all water has to be delivered by tanker. Every delivery of 15 tonnes is costing 1,000 Turkish lira (approx. £50) and during the summer months (with the very high temperatures) the water consumption is greatly increased, using between 7– 10 tonnes of water daily. The dogs and cats not only need this for drinking and bathing to keep cool, but also for the daily washing down and disinfecting of their living areas.
We are appealing for donations to help pay for water for the rescue centre so that we can supply this basic life requirement to our dogs and cats.
We are so very grateful to those of you that have already donated to our Gofundme water appeal, the response was just fantastic.
Our next project is to look at the feasibility of drilling a well at the rescue centre so that we don't have to rely on expensive tankers of water being delivered. Any further donations we receive to this current appeal will be put towards the well project.
The link to the Gofundme appeal is - https://gofund.me/e9ff28e6
Thank you in anticipation. Dogs and cats need water - wagging tails is thirsty work!
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Mollie the cat
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Re: Our dogs & cats need water - please help.

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Post by Mollie the cat »

What would be the approx cost of digging a well, does anyone know?

Verified Charity
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Joined: Fri 18 May 2012 8:47 am

Re: Our dogs & cats need water - please help.

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Post by KAR »

We are awaiting the permission to drill a bore hole. This will then tell us how far down the water is and the amount of water production expected to be produced.
The cost of the well could be as much as £25,000.
Until we have the results of the bore hole we will not know the feasibility of the well.
We are hopeful as a Geologist has been positive regarding the area.
Fingers crossed it will be viable. Meanwhile as you are aware we rely on expensive tankers to bring water.
We will keep you posted. Thank you for showing an interest in our furry family
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