Net Metering

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Net Metering

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Post by stanley »

Is there anybody who is currently benifiting from the new net metering from kibtek , if so how long did you have to wait , if not how long have you been waiting ???

many thanks

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Re: Net Metering

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Post by wanderer »

Please explain Net Metering .I have the new generation meters in the UK where the meters transmit direct to the Utility provider and soon my web account in real time Is it the same?

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Re: Net Metering

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Post by Keithcaley »


Net metering is intended for 'microgeneration' schemes - i.e. those where you generate some electricity yourself, (by wind power, solar energy, hamster in a wheel etc.) and sell it back to 'The Grid'.

As far as I know, the system is being introduced here, but the bureaucracy hasn't caught up with it yet! - So people may have got the hardware installed, but the financial aspect is lagging behind, due to the various 'permissions' & rubber stamps involved...

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Re: Net Metering

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Post by kibsolar1999 »

The net metering system in the TRNC is intended to reduce your electricity bills. You can use your solar power directly and for any excess (which will go to the grid), you will be credited from Kibtek. Credits can be taken from grid eg, during the night or even next month. His system is very beneficiary, as you get your credits “incl VAT”.. because it is “net” metered. “Use” minus “production”, that represents paybacks of approx 4-6 years only..
True, many applications and permissions and controls have to be followed and all takes time.
Until the (first step) permission, given from energy ministry and not from Kibtek, it takes approx 6-8 weeks, then you can (finally order) and install the system. This might take also a bit time, you can not expect the solar companies to have “all in stock” for a “maybe permission”.
After installation, you have to file in to kibtek “installation details” (again) and they come to control the system. After that, it goes back to the ministry and the final permission “to generate electricity in a net meter system” will be given. After that, you will be net metered from Kibtek.
Yes, bureaucracy, but with a clear way. Also, some money goes for the first application incl. electric plan and organization (approx 200-300 STG) and a “connection fee” which is approx 90 STG.
As “an installer”, who may needs to give “certain dates”, you would be stupid to make any promises about: will the permission be given, when kibtek comes to control the system and when “the customer” will get the final net-metering.
Please take in mind, its YOUR application, your system and if you like, you can follow all things on your own. True here: if not all files are handed in from the installer (or consultant or you) to Kibtek after installation, nothing will happen.
Some people believed in the companies who promised them to be net-metered “instantly after installation”, although the necessary laws did not even passed and therefore no “first application” could have been made (=no permissions given as well) and bureaucracy was a mess. Result: people have the hardware, but waiting for a year or so to be net-metered. Maybe the installer or whoever did not file to Kibtek or the system does not comply to the (now introduced) regulations?!
Even an “alliance” of (obviously betrayed?) customers had been formed (Cyprus today from Saturday) reg an “English owned company formerly operating from Karakum”, lawyers involved, this kind.
That is very bad for the reputation of solar systems in general, other companies and more or less useless as well, you know that. Better would be to get an expert who checks all system components and applications done and tries to get all done asap. Ok, money involved, but even if “changes” to the system are required, don’t forget: a net meter system is very beneficiary and payback then will come 2 years or so later.

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Re: Net Metering

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Post by kibsolar1999 »

we started to offer "net metering" quite late.
reason was to avoid "really unpredictable" waiting times until KIBTEK finally comes for control and the ministry grants "the permission to generate electricity in a net-meter system".
This seems to be much better now.

We only can advice other possibilities for solar systems as well, which have the same "outcome" = reducing the electricity bill.
Eg, a solar pool pumping system.
as they are not "grid connected" and therefore not "net metered", these system does not need a control from KIBTEK,
they work independently = off-grid and work also during a power cut. batteries are not required.
Sun up = pump starts, sun down = pump stops.
for an average 10x5 meter overflow pool, the AC pool pump accounts for approx 500-600 euros per year (todays price).
We offer solar pool pumping systems from 2500 euros onwards.
(average price approx 2800 euros, fully fitted, incl VAT.) ... isure.html
A very nice alternative.
our biggest project: Deniz kizi hotel, 1800 tons circulation per day.

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Re: Net Metering

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Post by kibsolar1999 »

attached is a depersonalised "permission to generate electricity from Renewable energy sources", the YEK Belge.
4,5 kWp, given in january 2015.
i filed it in low quality on purpose, sorry.

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