erol wrote: ↑Tue 08 Dec 2020 10:53 am
And before we joined the EEC how much of our exports went to Europe ? Did we not join because Europe was already our largest trading partner back then ?
In 1961 43% of Britain's exports went to the Commonwealth. 17% to Common Market countries.
By 1971 I believe it was roughly equal or 20% Commonwealth, 21% EEC. In the 20 years after accession trade with the EEC doubled.
So by 1971 it certainly looked as if Europe was the way to go but there is an element of crystal ball here.
Who is to say the decline in trade with the commonwealth would have continued? Whilst the growth of the EEC was impressive before we joined it has certainly been outperformed since.
In 1972 Red Rum was a great horse to back in the Grand National by 2012 not so much.
We certainly cut our commonwealth partners adrift once we joined the common market so we might well have backed the wrong horse, all indications point that way. .
erol wrote: ↑Tue 08 Dec 2020 10:53 am
It is not a scare story to insist as some kind of inevitable certainty that if we remain in the EU then we will be forced or tricked against our will to join a super state and give up all national sovereignty and have no ability to refuse such should we wish to ? Not project fear to lie and say we have already agreed to this surrendering when we have not ? This is a project fear line that has been fed to the UK population relentlessly over 40 years and it is in fact nonsense. The whole leave campaign was based on fear from day one.
OK the EU is a trading organisation.
Please name me another trading organisation that has it's;
Own Laws
Own Courts
Own Parliament
Own MPs
Own Army.
Own Flag
Own Anthem
Own Currency
Sounds like at least the beginnings of a super state or country to me?
OK there are differences between countries in laws and suchlike between member states, after all full integration takes time especially when whole populations are against it. Slowly slowly does it.
There are vast differences between laws in individual American states but no one doubts the United States of America is a country do they?
I can't be the only person who remembers the EU army being debunked as a scare story pre referendum.
If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck and looks like a duck, chances are it's a duck.