Non PC jokes, are you offended ?

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Non PC jokes, are you offended ?

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Post by erol »

What is the difference between a British immigrant in North Cyprus and streaming internet TV ? Streaming internet TV works some of the time.

Two British immigrants in a bath, One says to the other 'where's the soap'. The other says 'If only you could get proper soap here, even when you can find it the price is outrageous and they charge us over the odds because we are not Cypriot and even if you can get it you can not park in the car park given how Cypriots park all over the place and it's so bloody hot in summer and why can they not organise a piss up in a brewery here and it is so bloody cold in winter and the roads they are bloody terrible and don't get me started about drivers in the place, it's like they think they are all still riding donkeys and why do they not speak English more and really it is a miracle that we even have water for a bath at all, even though it is not the Turkish water they promised us and it costs twice what it should and ........"

How do you describe a well balanced British immigrant in North Cyprus ? One with a chip on both shoulders.

What is the difference between British immigrant entertainers in North Cyprus and Jimmy Carr. Jimmy Carr eventually started paying his taxes.

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Re: Non PC jokes, are you offended ?

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Post by frontalman »

I bet you a pound to a penny, not everyone will see the funny side of this

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Re: Non PC jokes, are you offended ?

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Post by frontalman »

Hymie dies so Mitzi rings the Jewish Chronicle to place a mention in the obituary column. "How much is it?" Mitzi asks - 5p per word she's told. OK she says just say "Hymie dead" - "It's a minimum of 5 words, I'm afraid."

"OK then - Hymie dead, Volvo for sale"

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Re: Non PC jokes, are you offended ?

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Post by Ragged Robin »

Sauce for the gander:

I expect you all know the one about how many Irishmen it takes to change a light bulb, but how many Cypriots does it take?

Ten : One to hold the bulb and the rest to argue about which way he should turn it.

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Re: Non PC jokes, are you offended ?

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Post by Keithcaley »

How many psychologists does it take to change a light bulb?

Just one - but the light bulb has to really want to change...

10 bonus points if you spotted the split infinitive!

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Re: Non PC jokes, are you offended ?

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Post by rocking »

PC brigade gone too far. Jokes are jokes. Get a life PCs

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Re: Non PC jokes, are you offended ?

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Post by ttoli »

Up until this point Erol , I had you down as ok , but please tell me this , why is there so much demand for qualified English Tradesmen ?, all of whom that I know are registered and pay their taxes ,clearly someones pissed on your parade and you are tarring all with the same brush
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Re: Non PC jokes, are you offended ?

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Post by Mimi2 »

As a non PC person I tank its funny

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Re: Non PC jokes, are you offended ?

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Post by erol »

ttoli wrote:..... and you are tarring all with the same brush
Absolutely ttoli, I could not agree with you more. The jokes I made up and posted at the start of this thread are based on negative stereotypes of a group of people, in this case British immigrants to North Cyprus, that are just not true of all such people at all. They were designed by me to be exactly such. They and this whole thread was intended by me to be provocative as a means of examining a series of connected issues and in the hope doing so might provoke thought and discussion and debate around such issues.

Personally I am not a 'fan' of jokes such as those that I started the thread with, because they are based on negative stereotypes of a given group of people and tar all such people with the same brush. I am not a fan of such humour regardless of what the 'group' that is being negatively stereotyped is and if it is a group that I am a member of or a group I am not a member of. I am not a fan of such jokes regardless of if the group is 'British immigrants in North Cyprus' or 'women' or 'fat birds' or any other group you care to mention or think of. However I am aware that others have different views to mine, who take the view that 'it is just a joke' and 'lighten up' and 'stop being so PC' and the like. I do not think or claim that my views are any better or more right than people who hold different views. I do know why I hold the views I do and do have an interest is explaining those reasons and engaging in discussion about these issues. Whilst I can understand the view that 'it's just a joke' this is not a view that I personally share. I personally think that such jokes, however funny they may be, that are based on negative stereotypes of groups of people and tarring that whole group with the same brush always have the potential to some degree or others of reinforcing and perpetuating the negative stereotype that they are based on and as such, to me, they are not just 'harmless fun'. I guess others will see this as me being 'up tight' and 'PC mad' but it is what I believe none the less. I do not dispute that such jokes are and can be funny. Your own joke posted here about 'fat birds' and 'cake' made me smile but it also made me wince. I just think myself such jokes are just not necessary, that there are more than enough funny jokes and humour that does not require the negative stereotyping of whole groups of people and therefore the risk that the joke itself perpetuates and reinforces such stereotypes and thus generally I avoid such humour, outside of using such to try and start a rational discussion about the whole topic,

Anyway to get back 'on topic' I'll end with a joke that I think is funny and that I also think does not require and is not based on tarring a whole group of people with a negative stereotype of that group.


Security services announced they have intelligence that a terrorist organisation is planning a campaign of placing bombs in tins of alpha betty spaghetti. A police spokesman said they feared that if one went off it could spell disaster.

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Re: Non PC jokes, are you offended ?

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Post by frontalman »

I preferred you when you were making funnies, Erol - don't like it when you're being serious

Your last crack did make me laugh, though

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Re: Non PC jokes, are you offended ?

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Post by Navek »

"An Englishman, Irishman and Scotsman went for a round of golf
and their wives went along as their caddies.

While walking around the course the Englishman's wife caught her foot
in a rabbit hole,tripped up, and landed in a heap on the ground.
Her skirt was over her head revealing that she wasn't wearing any knickers!
The Englishman stormed over
and angrily demanded a reasonfor her state of undress.
"Well darling," she explained, "you give me so little allowance that I
have to make the odd sacrifice.
Usually no one notices."
The Englishman thrusts his hand into his pocket and said,
"Here's ten pounds. Go to Mark's and Spencer's and get some knickers."

Two holes further along the Irishman's wife caught her foot on amolehill,
tripped up and ended in a heap on the ground.
Again her skirt was up over her head revealing
that she wasn't wearing any knickers either!
The Irishman was livid and he angrily demanded a reason
for her lack of undergarments.
"Well darling," she explained,
"you give me so little allowance I cannot afford to buy undergarments."
With that the Irishman thrust his hand into his pocket and said,
"Here's three pounds. Go to Dunnes and get some knickers."

Three holes further on,
the Scotsman's wife caught her foot on an exposed root,
tripped up and landed with her skirt over her head
revealing that even she wore no knickers!
Herexplanation to her irate husband was the same as the others.
Simply a lack of allowance.
The Scottsman thrust his hand into his pocket and said,

"Here's a comb Mary.

At least tidy yourself up."

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Re: Non PC jokes, are you offended ?

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Post by Ragged Robin »


By John Betjeman


The Costa Blanca – skies without a stain
Eric and I, at almond blossom time,
Came here and fell in love with it.

The climb under the pine trees up the dusty lane
To Cassa Kenilworth
Brought back our honeymoon when I was in my prime

Goodbye democracy and smoke and grime,
Eric retires next year, we’re off to Spain.

We’ve got the perfect site beside the shore
Owned by a charming Spaniard, Miguel,
Who says he’s quite prepared to sell
and build our Cassa for us, and what’s more,
Preposterously cheaply. We’ve found
Delightful English people living round.

HE (Five years later):

Mind if I see your “Mail”?
We used to share our “Telegraph” with people who’ve returned
the lucky sods.
I’ll tell you what I’ve learned.

If you come out here put aside the fare to England.
I’d run like a bloody hare, if I’d the chance.
And how we both have yearned to see our Esher Lawn.
I think we’ve earned a bit of what we had once over there.

The dago caught the wife and me alright.
Here on this tideless, tourist littered. Sea
We’re stuck. You’d hate it if you were me.
There’s no piped water on the bloody site.

Our savings gone, we climb the stony path
Back to the house – and scorpions in the bath.

Not a joke exactly, but I find it funny and what does it remind me of? RR

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Re: Non PC jokes, are you offended ?

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Post by Keithcaley »

"The dago"...

Oooooooh !!

The late Hans Doleman was once brought to task by someone on another Forum for making some less than complimentary remark about our Royal Family - which the poster thought that Hans was not entitled to do as he was a 'Dutchman'.

I rebuked Hans soundly for making such unpraiseworthy remarks about our 'German, Greek, BRITISH Royal Family, and warned him that we would not tolerate any more of that from 'Johnny Foreigners' such as himself.

He thought that it was hilarious, of course

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Re: Non PC jokes, are you offended ?

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Post by ttoli »

erol wrote:
ttoli wrote:..... and you are tarring all with the same brush
Absolutely ttoli, I could not agree with you more. The jokes I made up and posted at the start of this thread are based on negative stereotypes of a group of people, in this case British immigrants to North Cyprus, that are just not true of all such people at all. They were designed by me to be exactly such. They and this whole thread was intended by me to be provocative as a means of examining a series of connected issues and in the hope doing so might provoke thought and discussion and debate around such issues.

Personally I am not a 'fan' of jokes such as those that I started the thread with, because they are based on negative stereotypes of a given group of people and tar all such people with the same brush. I am not a fan of such humour regardless of what the 'group' that is being negatively stereotyped is and if it is a group that I am a member of or a group I am not a member of. I am not a fan of such jokes regardless of if the group is 'British immigrants in North Cyprus' or 'women' or 'fat birds' or any other group you care to mention or think of. However I am aware that others have different views to mine, who take the view that 'it is just a joke' and 'lighten up' and 'stop being so PC' and the like. I do not think or claim that my views are any better or more right than people who hold different views. I do know why I hold the views I do and do have an interest is explaining those reasons and engaging in discussion about these issues. Whilst I can understand the view that 'it's just a joke' this is not a view that I personally share. I personally think that such jokes, however funny they may be, that are based on negative stereotypes of groups of people and tarring that whole group with the same brush always have the potential to some degree or others of reinforcing and perpetuating the negative stereotype that they are based on and as such, to me, they are not just 'harmless fun'. I guess others will see this as me being 'up tight' and 'PC mad' but it is what I believe none the less. I do not dispute that such jokes are and can be funny. Your own joke posted here about 'fat birds' and 'cake' made me smile but it also made me wince. I just think myself such jokes are just not necessary, that there are more than enough funny jokes and humour that does not require the negative stereotyping of whole groups of people and therefore the risk that the joke itself perpetuates and reinforces such stereotypes and thus generally I avoid such humour, outside of using such to try and start a rational discussion about the whole topic,

Anyway to get back 'on topic' I'll end with a joke that I think is funny and that I also think does not require and is not based on tarring a whole group of people with a negative stereotype of that group.


Security services announced they have intelligence that a terrorist organisation is planning a campaign of placing bombs in tins of alpha betty spaghetti. A police spokesman said they feared that if one went off it could spell disaster.
So you smiled first, then the PC brigade kicked and you winced ???
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Re: Non PC jokes, are you offended ?

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Post by erol »

ttoli wrote:So you smiled first, then the PC brigade kicked and you winced ???
No one kicked me, I winced for the very same reasons that you were upset with the jokes I posted here about British immigrants in North Cyprus, or that is how it seems to me at least. Were you kicked by the PC Brigade that led you take umbrage at my jokes posted in the jokes section of the forum and post here to say so? Or is it only 'PC madness' if you are not part of the group that is is being negatively stereotyped by the joke ?

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Re: Non PC jokes, are you offended ?

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Post by ttoli »

erol wrote:
ttoli wrote:So you smiled first, then the PC brigade kicked and you winced ???
No one kicked me, I winced for the very same reasons that you were upset with the jokes I posted here about British immigrants in North Cyprus, or that is how it seems to me at least. Were you kicked by the PC Brigade that led you take umbrage at my jokes posted in the jokes section of the forum and post here to say so? Or is it only 'PC madness' if you are not part of the group that is is being negatively stereotyped by the joke ?
, Key difference being that I didn't smile first and then change my mind because of outside influences, I speak as I find and don't backtrack for fear of "Offending those of a sensitive nature " .
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Re: Non PC jokes, are you offended ?

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Post by erol »

ttoli wrote: Key difference being that I didn't smile first and then change my mind because of outside influences, I speak as I find and don't backtrack for fear of "Offending those of a sensitive nature " .
I did not change my mind. Both things were simultaneous. I did not say I did one thing and then did the other - that is your interpretation and it is not what I said and is just wrong. I am honest enough, to myself and generally, to admit both the smiling and the wincing and if I were less honest and was really as obsessed with 'being PC' as you seem to think I am, I would have just said your joke, that I made no comment on at the time you posted it, made me wince and left it at that. Even if I had of just winced only I would still be honest enough to admit that such jokes can be funny and even if I myself did not find it funny at all and would still recognise and admit that other people can and do find such jokes funny, as others did with mine.

Your position as far as I understand it would seem to be that my joke was 'not ok' because it was not factually true and was 'tarring all with the same brush' and did not make you smile though it clearly did make others smile where as your joke that was also no more or less 'factually true' with regards to 'fat birds' than mine was to British immigrants in North Cyprus and that also was 'tarring all with the same brush', was 'ok'? Your position would seem to me to be that your 'offence' at my jokes was down to justified righteous indignation on your part and in no way anything to do with political correctness but me not being a fan of either my own jokes or yours is only explainable by me being 'kicked' by the 'PC Brigade' ? Yet the only difference between them that I can see to date is that in your jokes you are not part of the group being negatively stereotyped and in mine you are. If that is the basis on which you decide if a joke is 'acceptable' or not then why not just be honest enough to come out and say that ? Your position would seem to me to be that seeming to be 'PC' is something to be criticised and condemned but being a hypocrite is something to be brazenly defended ?

You also totally fail to understand why I 'not a fan' of such jokes. It is nothing to do with fear of 'offending people'. I certainly seem to have no problem with risking offending you for example, if I think what I am saying is defensible. It is everything to do with choosing not to risk feeding in to and reinforcing and normalising negative stereotypes that can be and are damaging. Try explaining how funny your joke is to the young girl being ruthlessly bullied at school about their size and weight. Explain to her why anyone who is 'not a fan' of such jokes has no justification for not being a fan of them and is just pandering to the 'PC brigade' and yet why your offence taken at my jokes is justified and not an example of political correctness in any way. Not being a 'fan' of such jokes is nothing to do with fear of 'offending people' and everything to do with what kind of world is it that my daughter or niece or grand daughter or great grand niece is going to end up growing up in, and how my choices might influence and shape that world and taking responsibility for such choices.

Up until this point ttoli, I had you down as ok.

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Re: Non PC jokes, are you offended ?

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Post by frontalman »

Break it up guys, it's becoming a bit tedious

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Re: Non PC jokes, are you offended ?

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Post by Keithcaley »

Mark, at the risk of being tedious myself, I will repeat that well worn phrase -

"If you're not interested in it, you don't have to read it!"

As long as the posters themselves are interested enough to carry on the debate, then they're free to do so

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Re: Non PC jokes, are you offended ?

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Post by erol »

A social experiment in 'saying it as it is' without regard for causing offence

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Re: Non PC jokes, are you offended ?

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Post by frontalman »

Keithcaley wrote:Mark, at the risk of being tedious myself, I will repeat that well worn phrase -

"If you're not interested in it, you don't have to read it!"

As long as the posters themselves are interested enough to carry on the debate, then they're free to do so
Problem is that you don't know what it's about until you do read it. But I take your point. I just don't see why we can't all be friends and it makes me very sad

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Re: Non PC jokes, are you offended ?

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Post by erol »

frontalman wrote: I just don't see why we can't all be friends and it makes me very sad
That's a bit of an airy fairy john lennonish guardian reading liberal PC sentiment isnt it ? (that is meant as a joke by the way)

Let me stress again, I am not trying to claim or make out I am right and others are wrong. My opening post was provocative but I really am not looking to start 'fights' just for the sake of it. I am looking to try and explain as clearly as I can why I hold the views I do on this subject, against a background of general comments about 'it is only a joke' and 'stop being so PC' and the like.

Peace out man


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Re: Non PC jokes, are you offended ?

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Post by Keithcaley »

frontalman wrote:
Keithcaley wrote:Mark, at the risk of being tedious myself, I will repeat that well worn phrase -

"If you're not interested in it, you don't have to read it!"

As long as the posters themselves are interested enough to carry on the debate, then they're free to do so
Problem is that you don't know what it's about until you do read it. But I take your point. I just don't see why we can't all be friends and it makes me very sad
Oh come on

The thread was up to around 20 posts by that time, you must have had some idea what was going on!

...and seen who was posting...

If you haven't worked out by now that when Erol has got the bit between his teeth, he's like an unstoppable force, then you've not been paying attention!

I don't mean any disrespect to Erol by that, simply that his personality seems to compel him to explain as precisely as humanly possible, what he means...

It's probably what makes him good at his job, and I must admit that I am inclined to the same behaviour...

Anyway, here's a slightly 'dodgy' joke for you, I'll leave you to judge for yourselves whether it matches Erol's criteria, or whether it's 'Fair Game' -

"What do you call someone who keeps talking, when everyone else has lost interest?"






...............................A TEACHER !!

Judging by the somewhat jaundiced looks that I received from the two teachers to whom I told the joke, I'd guess that it's non-PC

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Re: Non PC jokes, are you offended ?

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Post by erol »

Keithcaley wrote:I don't mean any disrespect to Erol by that, simply that his personality seems to compel him to explain as precisely as humanly possible, what he means...
If you want to say I often am or come across as a sanctimonious moralising old twit (and you can replace the i with an a if you like) you will not hear much argument form me. I know this.

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Re: Non PC jokes, are you offended ?

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Post by Keithcaley »

No, No, No, NO NO!!






. . . . . . .YES !

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Re: Non PC jokes, are you offended ?

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Post by Ragged Robin »

It is "how you tell "em" - literally . Jokes that may sound hilarious in the pub among friends when you have all had a jar or two, can be offensive, even tedious, when put down in black and white.

The same applies to personal comments which some might consider as "personal banter gone wrong" but most of us consider to be inappropriate, offensive and unfair on a forum where people may not know each other.

AS people keep pointing out it it a matter of facial expression and body language, but even more the INTENTION behind the joke - was it meant to be funny or offensive? Or just to make a point as in Erol's case

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Re: Non PC jokes, are you offended ?

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Post by frontalman »

I think we can agree there are no saints on this forum - let him who is without sin ....... and all that. Peace and love to everyone

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Re: Non PC jokes, are you offended ?

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Post by Ragged Robin »

Re reading message 11 : I have just realised as well as being racist, it is sexist - the wives as caddies! Here is one to even the score:

Two men , previously unknown to each other, happened to have an unexpectedly free afternoon and decided to spend it on a practice round at the local golf course. Because the course was fairly busy and the men were on the same handicap the Pro suggested a twosome. They were pretty even, it was an interesting course and a lovely day and all went well until the 10th hole when one of them addressed the ball clumsily and sliced it viciously into a wood full of dense under growth. "That was unlike you," said the other man," but you will never find it in that, why not drop one, "

"No, " said the first "I did it deliberately as I need an excuse to disappear. See those two women playing up behind us: One is my wife and the other my mistress! Be a pal and wave them through and let me know when the coast is clear, and I will concede this hole" Thus saying, he walked into the wood and , out of sight of the fairway, sat on a tree trunk to await events.

Very soon after he was joined by the other man who said "Small World innit?"

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