Understanding Brexit.

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Understanding Brexit.

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Post by tingtang »

IIf like me this whole BREXIT fiasco confuses you, fear no more.

The narrative below is a simple concise explanation of the whole complex process and is set out in terms we can all follow.

For me it is now crystal clear.

Mr David Davis is at the golf club returning his locker key when Mr Barnier, the membership secretary sees him.

"Hello Mr Davis", says Mr Barnier. "I'm sorry to hear you are no longer renewing your club membership, if you would like to come to my office we can settle your account".

"I have settled my bar bill" says Mr Davis..

"Ah yes Mr Davis", says Mr Barnier, "but there are other matters that need settlement"

In Mr Barnier’s office Mr Davis explains that he has settled his bar bill so wonders what else he can possibly owe the Golf Club?

"Well Mr Davis" begins Mr Barnier, "you did agree to buy one of our Club Jackets".

"Yes" agrees Mr Davis "I did agree to buy a jacket but I haven't received it yet. As soon as you supply the jacket I will send you a cheque for the full amount".

"That will not be possible" explains Mr Barnier. "As you are no longer a club member you will not be entitled to buy one of our jackets"!

"But you still want me to pay for it" exclaims Mr Davis.

"Yes" says Mr Barnier, "That will be £500 for the jacket. There is also your bar bill".

"But I've already settled my bar bill" says Mr Davis.

"Yes" says Mr Barnier, "but as you can appreciate, we need to place our orders from the Brewery in advance to ensure our bar is properly stocked. You regularly used to spend at least £50 a week in the bar so we have placed orders with the brewery accordingly for the coming year. You therefore owe us £2600 for the year".

"Will you still allow me to have these drinks?" asks Mr Davis.

"No of course not Mr Davis. You are no longer a club member!" says Mr Barnier. "Next is your restaurant bill" continues Mr Barnier. "In the same manner we have to make arrangements in advance with our catering suppliers. Your average restaurant bill was in the order of £300 a month, so we'll require payment of £3600 for the next year".

"I don't suppose you'll be letting me have these meals either" asks Mr Davis.

"No, of course not" says an irritated Mr Barnier, "you are no longer a club member!"

"Then of course" Mr Barnier continues, "there are repairs to the clubhouse roof".

"Clubhouse roof" exclaims Mr Davis, "What's that got to do with me?"

"Well it still needs to be repaired and the builders are coming in next week", your share of the bill is £2000".

"I see" says Mr Davis, "anything else?".

"Now you mention it" says Mr Barnier, "there is Fred the Barman's pension. We would like you to pay £5 a week towards Fred's pension when he retires next month. He's not well you know so I doubt we'll need to ask you for payment for longer than about five years, so £1300 should do it. This brings your total bill to £10,000" says Mr Barnier.

"Let me get this straight" says Mr Davis, "you want me to pay £500 for a jacket you won't let me have, £2600 for beverages you won't let me drink and £3600 for food you won't let me eat, all under a roof I won't be allowed under and not served by a bloke who's going to retire next month!"

"Yes, it's all perfectly clear and quite reasonable" says Mr Barnier.

"Piss off!" says Mr Davis

Now we understand what Brexit is all about!!!!!

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Re: Understanding Brexit.

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Post by Cally »

Very clever....

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Re: Understanding Brexit.

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Post by Rosehillgirl »

Another way to look at it.

Mr Davis has been a golf club member for many years. Last year he signed a new three year contract-with penalty clauses should he wish to leave before the three years was up-which is fairly standard practice.

He goes up to the Golf Club Manager-Mr Barnier and said-I want to leave the club now. Mr Barnier said-well I'm sorry to hear that but you know that you're committed to continue your membership payments until the end of the contract-Mr Davis said 'I don't want to'.

Mr Barnier explained that the Golf club had committed to spending sums of money improving the club and that all members had agreed and their membership fees had been allocated to the improvements. Mr Davis said-' I don't care-I'm not paying'

Mr Barnier said- but we are building an extension, we have hired the builders, we have drawn up the plans, signed the contracts-we need all members to contribute to this-they have all signed contracts that they will pay. Mr Davis replied-'well I'm not paying'.

Mr Davis then re-iterated-well I'm not paying but however I still want to be a member and I shall be playing golf every Monday Wednesday and Friday. Mr Barnier said -well what about the other members who will have to make up the shortfall if you don't pay? Mr Davis-well that's tough.

It's called trying to have your cake and eat it.

Brexit in a nutshell.

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Re: Understanding Brexit.

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Post by tingtang »

Mr Davis has been a golf club member for many years. Last year he signed a new three year contract-with penalty clauses should he wish to leave before the three years was up-which is fairly standard practice.

Point taken, but would the proposed exit date of mid 2019 not bring us to the end of those three years?

It does seem that it was the emotive issue of immigration that swayed the vote in favour of 'leave' whilst there was a sparsity of knowledge about the consequences on so many other aspects of the EU membership. In my view it would have been preferable to bring what is provided by UK for immigrants into line with those EU countries which are less desirable final destinations for those immigrants.

Whatever, it is now a 'done deal ' - this is a fine mess you have got us into David (Cameron) which has decimated your Party too.

Good luck Mr David Davies, looks like he is going to need it.

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Re: Understanding Brexit.

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Post by Joe Soap »


Mr Davis has been a golf club member for many years. Last year he signed a new three year contract-with penalty clauses should he wish to leave before the three years was up-which is fairly standard practice.

He goes up to the Golf Club Manager-Mr Barnier and said-I want to leave the club now. Mr Barnier said-well I'm sorry to hear that but you know that you're committed to continue your membership payments until the end of the contract - MR DAVIS SAID 'I REALISE I HAVE TO PAY MY ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR THE THREE YEARS, BUT NO MORE PAYMENTS.

Mr Barnier explained that the Golf club had committed to spending sums of money improving the club and that all members had agreed and their membership fees had been allocated to the improvements. MR DAVIS SAID-' YOU WILL BENEFIT FROM THESE AMENDMENTS NOT ME, SO DON’T EXPECT ME TO PAY FOR THEM'

Mr Barnier said- but we are building an extension, we have hired the builders, we have drawn up the plans, signed the contracts-we need all members to contribute to this-they have all signed contracts that they will pay. MR DAVIS REPLIED-'YOU SHOULD HAVE INCLUDED THAT POSSIBILITY IN YOUR BUDGET CALCULATIONS - THAT ONE OR MORE MEMBERS MAY RESIGN OR WITHDRAW FROM THE CLUB WITHOUT PAYING FOR THE EXTENSION FROM WHICH YOU WILL BENEFIT, BUT I WILL NOT. (WILL MR GRECO BE ASKED TO PAY, M. BARNIER, YOU KNOWING FULL WELL HE IS BANKRUPT?)

Mr Davis then re-iterated-well I'm not paying but however I still want to be a member and I shall be playing golf every Monday Wednesday and Friday. Mr Barnier said -well what about the other members who will have to make up the shortfall if you don't pay? MR DAVIS REPLIED “THERE ARE NEW MEMBERS WHO WANT TO TAKE MY PLACE; LIKE THE NICE MEN FROM THE EX-JUGOSLAVIA COUNTRIES, OR INDEED MR ERDOGAN FROM TURKEY. YOU CAN RAISE THE EXTRA MONEY FROM THEM.”.


It's called trying to have your EU cake and eat it.

Brexit in a nutshell

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Re: Understanding Brexit.

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Post by Keithcaley »

Joe, 'Well Done'!

I still haven't moved from my 'Don't Know' position, but you've given me more to think about

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Re: Understanding Brexit.

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Post by turtle »

It is a funny old game this EU mularky.....
Strict rules about joining and being a member and all members must adhere to the rules without question then all of a sudden if you are prepared to hand over sacks full of cash then you can have what you want......what a bent organisation this really is.

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Re: Understanding Brexit.

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Post by tingtang »

turtle wrote:It is a funny old game this EU mularky.....
Strict rules about joining and being a member and all members must adhere to the rules without question then all of a sudden if you are prepared to hand over sacks full of cash then you can have what you want......what a bent organisation this really is.
Absolutely turtle.

The British press are today pretty convinced that the Gv't are prepared to settle the 'Divorce Bill' at the eye watering amount of £40 Billion, an amount which probably exceeds the combined annual contributions of several of the poorer EU Nations. My math (not my best attribute) make that a figure roughly £650k for every man, woman and child in the UK assuming a population of around 60 million. I wonder what kind of taxes will be imposed to cover that eventuality? - maybe we shall get a clue in the 'Budget' later this week.

For that sort of money Britain had better be able to do all of the 'Cherry Picking' they choose to or else repeat the final comment of David Davies in the opening post of this thread.

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Re: Understanding Brexit.

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Post by erol »

tingtang wrote: My math (not my best attribute) make that a figure roughly £650k for every man, woman and child in the UK assuming a population of around 60 million. I wonder what kind of taxes will be imposed to cover that eventuality? - maybe we shall get a clue in the 'Budget' later this week.
My maths makes it approx £650 per person not £650,000 per person.

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Re: Understanding Brexit.

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Post by Keithcaley »

erol wrote:
tingtang wrote: My math (not my best attribute) make that a figure roughly £650k for every man, woman and child in the UK assuming a population of around 60 million. I wonder what kind of taxes will be imposed to cover that eventuality? - maybe we shall get a clue in the 'Budget' later this week.
My maths makes it approx £650 per person not £650,000 per person.
He's probably using the 'old' billions - the ones that I was taught at school, the ones that were 'a million million' with 12 noughts, not these paltry new-fangled ones that are only 'a thousand million'

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Re: Understanding Brexit.

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Post by turtle »

Whatever it is it's way too much and should not be paid.

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