How would/will you vote in the up coming GE in the UK - poll

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If you had a vote, or have a vote, how would or will you vote on Dec 12 UK general election

Poll ended at Tue 10 Dec 2019 11:20 pm

Lib Dem
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How would/will you vote in the up coming GE in the UK - poll

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Post by erol »

Just a simple poll. No one is required to vote. I am voting Labour in this poll , though do not have an actual vote in the UK as I have been non resident there for more than 15 years.

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Re: How would/will you vote in the up coming GE in the UK -

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Post by wanderer »

Which of the ugly sisters should i choose

Boris a proven liar and cheat mater of public record

Corbin & Mcdonald +Abbott un-electable and thats before you get to their okey kokey brexit policy Brexit policy

Jo Swinson of the shouty women party sounds like a female version of Benny Hill doing Ernie
" I never thought I would be standing here to be elected as the next prime minister"

She wanted a referendum in 2008 I rest my case ... um-quotes/

Farage worries me seriously

Sturgen or as she's know the other crankey
She wants independence from England to be part of the EU

I'm hoping Doreen will stand cos otherwise we're doomed she will be a wall to keep the Brummies out

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Re: How would/will you vote in the up coming GE in the UK -

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Post by PoshinDevon »

Cast my vote and agree it’s a difficult choice given what has gone on over the last few years.

Cannot vote for Labour for a number of reasons. This is the poorest set of front bench Labour MPs I can remember. Corbyn is a ditherer not a leader, his views on the E.U. are not clear. MacDonnell is the most dangerous of them all, far to left wing for me. He would take us backwards. Both of them have shown open support for the IRA which is abhorrent to me. Thornbury said that Labour if elected would go back to the E.U. and seek another (better?) deal......jeez would the E.U. want to negotiate yet another change? If so how much longer would it take? Then Labour would put the deal to the electorate, but Thornbury would campaign against it! As for Abbott, sorry but is she fit to be Home Secretary, in charge of the police and the countries security amongst other things? I am looking forward to reading how Labour intend to pay for there promises in the future as they have a record of spending beyond there means.

Conservatives - are only marginally better IMO. Europe will continue to divide the party for years to come and any tory
leader will have a job to keep things under control. I tend to take there spouting about the NHS and police with a pinch of salt and do have concerns about what they would do long term with the NHS. Can they be trusted?

Lib Dem’s - Nope. As a leave voter I will not vote for them. Without raising the old chestnut about the referendum, we live in a democratic country and I believe that to go against the vote undermines our democracy.

Brexit - Farage is all bluster. It the tories win and get Brexit done they will be gone.

Others - Some have some nice cuddly ideas but reality kicks in and unless there is a hung parliament they have little influence (You wait, it will be a hung parliament again. )

Finally as I am not Scottish I won’t voice an opinion on the SNP suffice to say Sturgeon has one aim only. However; she knows that if she fails to get the result she wants in another referendum on independence then she is finished.

My brief thoughts only and they barely skim the surface but I am not posting any further reasons. Politics can spark off fierce debate but if you don’t vote you really can blame no one else. We will be voting on Dec 12th.
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Re: How would/will you vote in the up coming GE in the UK -

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Post by EnjoyingTheSun »

With Boris and Corbyn we have a choice very much like what the American's had with Trump and Hilary. Both awful but its a matter of picking who is least awful.
Looking at Brexit, neither has shown much principle there. Boris seemed to jump on the leave band wagon late as part of a power play and Corbyn is a died in the wool leaver who realises if he sits on the fence he might grab power.
I think there are more sensible people in the Conservatives and they will do less damage. Labour is dominated by the far left and if they get in they will dominate Labour for years.

I'm amazed that anyone over the age of 20 could even think of voting Labour tbh, there surely can't be that many hobbyist lefties in the Home Counties.

I think everyone agrees that companies such as Starbucks and the like should pay a fair amount of tax but tax is not a punishment. You don't put a super tax on billionaires because you are jealous of them.

Labour's plans will cost a fortune. The 4 day week? That's one and a quarter billion per year in nurses for starters, if you can get them of course.

When it comes time to pay the bill Labour will find that the 1% have gone and they can't get at the money of any super rich who have remained so will need to chop the bill up between the middle classes. Happens every time without fail but people still fall for it.

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Re: How would/will you vote in the up coming GE in the UK -

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Post by erol »

I do not think it would come as much surprise to many that I tend to 'lean to the left' politically.

I personally can not get over the Johnson / Guppy telephone conversation.

For me integrity really does matter. In comparison I am minded of John Pilger's comments, himself a person of great integrity imo.
John Pilger wrote: As sure sign of true integrity is knowing what someone does when they think nobody is watching them, like in the MPs expenses scandal of 2010 when it was revealed that the lowest expense claim of all 650MPs came from one Jeremy Corbyn. That's why I know he is as honest as the day is long.

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Re: How would/will you vote in the up coming GE in the UK -

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Post by EnjoyingTheSun »

erol wrote:I do not think it would come as much surprise to many that I tend to 'lean to the left' politically.

I personally can not get over the Johnson / Guppy telephone conversation.

For me integrity really does matter. In comparison I am minded of John Pilger's comments, himself a person of great integrity imo.
John Pilger wrote: As sure sign of true integrity is knowing what someone does when they think nobody is watching them, like in the MPs expenses scandal of 2010 when it was revealed that the lowest expense claim of all 650MPs came from one Jeremy Corbyn. That's why I know he is as honest as the day is long. ... Parliament

Nope sainted Jeremy seemed to claim exactly what he felt he could get away with. Seemed to reign it in a bit when it all kicked off though. Maybe he thought someone might be watching him?

Good move though, downshifting from claiming 140 grand a year to only claiming a nine pound printer cartridge in the 4 months audited. Being so quietly moral he must have hated it when the story broke in his local paper.
You always wonder who could fall for this crap and then...... ... r-1-748369

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Re: How would/will you vote in the up coming GE in the UK -

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Post by EnjoyingTheSun »

erol wrote:
I personally can not get over the Johnson / Guppy telephone conversation.
Momentum playbook number 6, amplify amplify.

Do you know where the whole 21 minutes of the phone call is available, I've only heard the selected 1-2 minute clip?

But it's true old friends can have a habit of embarrassing us, after all Corbyn's friends from Hamas and The IRA etc can give the impression that he is in favour of pretty much any terrorist/murderer.

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Re: How would/will you vote in the up coming GE in the UK -

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Post by erol »

EnjoyingTheSun wrote:
erol wrote:
I personally can not get over the Johnson / Guppy telephone conversation.
Momentum playbook number 6, amplify amplify.

Do you know where the whole 21 minutes of the phone call is available, I've only heard the selected 1-2 minute clip?

But it's true old friends can have a habit of embarrassing us, after all Corbyn's friends from Hamas and The IRA etc can give the impression that he is in favour of pretty much any terrorist/murderer.
I did not start this poll with any real intent to prompt a discussion but simply because I was curious as to how people here on this forum would or might vote in the GE. Why was not really my interest at least at the point I created the poll. It certainly was not my intent to engage in discussions with other as to why their why was different from mine. It is only after much indecision and still with much lack of certainty that I make this post and it certainly should not be taken as indicative of a desire or will to continue such a discussion here.

Has the Johnson / Guppy telephone conversation from the 1990's featured heavily to date since the launch of the election campaigns ? Has it been brought up and amplified and amplified as a part of that campaign ? If it has then I must have missed such. There is a lot going on so that is perfectly possible.

For the record, whilst at the macro level it is true to say I lean to the left politically, I am not nor have I ever been a member of the Labour party in the UK nor a member of momentum. I just shared my own personal opinion as others have done here. Nothing more and nothing less. For me, personally as an individual, it is just true that I can not get over this Johnson / Guppy thing. Very much in the same way that in terms of Trump I can not get over his 'grab them by the pussy' comments.

For me the phone conversation is not about Johnson being embarrassed by an old friend. It is about him going along with helping an old friend have a journalist assaulted as long as he is not hurt too badly and it does not come back on Johnson. Not quite the same thing in my book.

I can not help but wonder what 'playbook' this is from ... 86531.html

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Re: How would/will you vote in the up coming GE in the UK -

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Post by EnjoyingTheSun »

erol wrote: as the Johnson / Guppy telephone conversation from the 1990's featured heavily to date since the launch of the election campaigns ? Has it been brought up and amplified and amplified as a part of that campaign ? If it has then I must have missed such. There is a lot going on so that is perfectly possible.
erol wrote: For me the phone conversation is not about Johnson being embarrassed by an old friend. It is about him going along with helping an old friend have a journalist assaulted as long as he is not hurt too badly and it does not come back on Johnson. Not quite the same thing in my book.
As I said it doesn’t sound great but 1-2 minutes out of a 21 minute telephone call does give problems of context. If I reported everyone who has ever said I’m going to kill so and so in the heat of the moment it would be me in prison for wasting police time.
I’m not a huge fan of Johnson, he seems to treat the truth as a convenience thing and is certainly a womaniser. That said Corbyn has been caught out in several lies and is on his third marriage so…..
David Lloyd George was a great chancellor and prime minister for Britain but his private life and business affairs don’t stand up to much scrutiny.
I don’t expect a saint as Prime Minister, just someone who seems to care about his country and its citizens rather than their first loyalty being to a cult.
As for Corbyn and old friends, I find it hard to get over his arrest when opposing the trial of Brighton bomber and murderer Patrick Magee. He was also on the editorial board of Labour Briefing who wrote of the Brighton bombing that “it appears to be the case that the Brtish only sit up and take notice when they are bombed into it.” I could list numerous quotes by Seamus Milne that support terrorism against Britain and others.
These are proven and convicted murderers, not a posh boy who is making idle threats.

Johnson might be a wrong un, but Corbyn and his followers are dangerous.

Still he did keep his head down when the expense scandal was at its peak.

Personally I think it would have shown more integrity to maintain his level of expenses. If it genuinely costs that much to run your office etc then so be it.

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Re: How would/will you vote in the up coming GE in the UK -

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Post by erol »


I understand that for you always and only seeing the world in terms of 'left and right' is part of who you are, you identity. It is not however who I am, my identity. All I was / am doing here with my post is expressing my identity. I am not saying or trying to imply that my view is right or the one anyone else should or must adopt it. I am just saying that for me I personally could not vote for Johnson and why. In his case for me this is not about politics but about something other than that. I would not vote for TM but that would be for political reasons. I, me, personally could not vote for Johnson even if he was presenting the same manifesto as Corbyn is. Just as I could not vote for Trump regardless of his politics simply as a result of his 'grab them by the pussy' comment.

If you want to explain to me why I am wrong, why I should not think this way then by all means do go right ahead and do so. Just do not be upset if I decline to engage much with such here in this place and this thread.

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Re: How would/will you vote in the up coming GE in the UK -

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Post by PoshinDevon »

erol wrote:@ETS

I understand that for you always and only seeing the world in terms of 'left and right' is part of who you are, you identity. It is not however who I am, my identity. All I was / am doing here with my post is expressing my identity. I am not saying or trying to imply that my view is right or the one anyone else should or must adopt it. I am just saying that for me I personally could not vote for Johnson and why. In his case for me this is not about politics but about something other than that. I would not vote for TM but that would be for political reasons. I, me, personally could not vote for Johnson even if he was presenting the same manifesto as Corbyn is. Just as I could not vote for Trump regardless of his politics simply as a result of his 'grab them by the pussy' comment.

If you want to explain to me why I am wrong, why I should not think this way then by all means do go right ahead and do so. Just do not be upset if I decline to engage much with such here in this place and this thread.
Good post Erol.

Similarly I could never vote for Corbyn or his sidekicks.

In my case it’s not only what they have said and done in the past but also as the GE gears up, some of the barking policies that they are suggesting. There are some good moderate Labour MPs leaving the party which unfortunately only plays into the hands of McDonnell who is the most dangerous of them all.
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Re: How would/will you vote in the up coming GE in the UK -

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Post by waz-24-7 »

A complex series of decisions given the massive influence that BREXIT has on this election.

It is clear that the need to be in power drives each and every manifesto. To attract voters the promises are like never before. I am certain there will be many reneges on these promises whoever wins power.

Corbyn is just not credible and his socialist left wing intentions can only cause economic damage as investors migrate away from the high tax regimes he proposes. Whilst the distribution of wealth is ever widening. Socialism is not the path to solve this. There are just too many people who want and are indeed used to hand outs and social welfare. Its just too easy,particularly here in the UK. The number of real and genuine welfare needs within society , partly due to the increasing changes in lifestyle, expectations, ability, diet, activity, etc are putting massive challenges before any health and welfare system.
Politics, trade and investment is no longer a border controlled entity. Its truly a global playing field. The competitive nature of capitalism is the ruling economic and social structure. Communism and even socialist ideologies have failed and cannot compete. The demise of the environment and indeed the planet is a sure fire certainty. To prolong the inevitable has little political credence in my decision making.

Conservatives will do the very best they can to recover from the damage of leaving the EU. I suspect the BREXIT deal will become only softer and more damaging to the Europe and the UK economy. If Mr Johnson wins a majority then the conservatives have the mandate to manipulate the outcome to suit the right wing agenda that the conservatives hold.
Of course also there will be a lot of soul searching as left wing voters who are brexiteers change allegiances in order to secure Brexit.

Lib dems. Well...I fully support the notion that the people should decide on the deal or no deal or remain. This is fair given the now more clear and factual nature of the BREXIT fiasco. Some right wing remainers will vote here but most will stay with Boris just to keep Corbyn out. The lib dems just don't have the strength to govern.

Its a Conservative vote then but with some scepticism.

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Re: How would/will you vote in the up coming GE in the UK -

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Post by EnjoyingTheSun »

A bit worried due the the Peterborough bi election fraud but it looks like The Conservatives are home clear.
Hopefully Labour get destroyed in the election and will lose the Maxist entryists and rebuild with some sensible socialist policies and give people a real choice. Johnson isn't admitidly a great option but he is the ONLY option.

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Re: How would/will you vote in the up coming GE in the UK -

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Post by erol »

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Re: How would/will you vote in the up coming GE in the UK -

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Post by EnjoyingTheSun »

The article is asking for money but I assume it is the 163 economists?

I think the big question is, where are there other 201?
I'm guessing one is Grace Blakeley who is an activist not an economist. She can't even read a bank's balance sheet. ... wrong.html

What's the joke, economists have predicted 20 out of the last 2 recessions?

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Re: How would/will you vote in the up coming GE in the UK -

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Post by EnjoyingTheSun »

EnjoyingTheSun wrote:
The article is asking for money but I assume it is the 163 economists?
Just had a look at the 163 economists, No economists working in finance they are all from academia. Not a results business, lecturing.
Spout a bit of marxist propaganda and be seen on the odd march with your students and pick up your money. Work for a bank and make a bad prediction and the only march you are going on is out the door.

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Re: How would/will you vote in the up coming GE in the UK -

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Post by erol »

EnjoyingTheSun wrote:Work for a bank and make a bad prediction and the only march you are going on is out the door.
Or end up Treasury Secretary or Chancellor of Exchequer

I did say I would not do this, so I will try and stop now.

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Re: How would/will you vote in the up coming GE in the UK -

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Post by EnjoyingTheSun »

erol wrote:
EnjoyingTheSun wrote:Work for a bank and make a bad prediction and the only march you are going on is out the door.
Or end up Treasury Secretary or Chancellor of Exchequer

I did say I would not do this, so I will try and stop now.
Politics is always a route to riches if you couldn't earn a living in the real world.

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Re: How would/will you vote in the up coming GE in the UK -

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Post by turtle »

Well for me Labour signed its own demise the day they appointed Jeremy Corbyn and then allowed that dreadful organisation Momentum to effectively take control of the party.
Corbyn is not a leader he is not smart or strong enough he is just a puppet who does what his masters tell him to do. The man has gone against every principle he has held for over 30yrs and does it with no shame at all….he is a fake.
After he gets crushed on the 12th December, he should resign but there is not a chance he will do that he will cling on until someone puts him out of his misery.
What Labour should do then is go cap in hand to David Milliband and return to the centre ground where they would IMO stand a much better chance of a sniff at number 10.
So for now Its Tory all the way…..they will have my vote however I have considered voting for the Brexit Party but Farage in his wisdom has decided not to field a candidate in my area….a mistake he will live to regret .

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Re: How would/will you vote in the up coming GE in the UK -

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Post by jofra »

For too many years to remember, it has been unsurpassably satisfying to my heart and my deepest soul to disregard the promises, blandishments, diatribes, rantings and outright lies of all the politicians AND their advocates and supporters - and to choose to whom i will vote AGAINST....
Consider a stagnant pool - scum rises to the top and blood-sucking parasites breed and flourish (of all types and persuasions) - does that not strike a chord...?

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